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Wednesday 15th May closed for holiday

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Uukha Monolith Carbon S-Curve Target limbs (custom bowstring included) -
VAT included
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All Uukha limbs (Sx50, Sx80, Sx100, Sx+, etc.) include, at no additional cost, a Nock Point Custom hand-made bowstring with the specifications (length, material, strands, etc.) recommended by the manufacturer for each of its models. Check colours available:

Nock Point Custom hand-made bowstring

The only limb manufacturer that does not make laminated limbs or use wood or foam as a core filler. The unique manufacturing process and the high carbon content means that limbs performance remains constant day after day, in all weathers and are fully waterproof. It makes limbs light, strong and insensible to delamination. There are no other limbs in the market that outstand in speed its latest models. Tips are a integral part of the limb structure that makes them extremely resistant. Also, its eliptic shape enhances better aerodynamic behavior.

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